Results for 'Mariska Thalitha Bosschaert'

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  1. (1 other version)The ‘Empirical’ in the Empirical Turn: A Critical Analysis.Mariska Thalitha Bosschaert & Vincent Blok - 2022 - Foundations of Science 1 (2):1-22.
    During the second half of the twentieth century, several philosophers of technology argued that their predecessors had reflected too abstractly and pessimistically on technology. In the view of these critics, one should study technologies empirically in order to fully understand them. They developed several strategies to empirically inform the philosophy of technology and called their new approach the empirical turn. However, they provide insufficient indications of what exactly is meant by empirical study in their work. This leads to the critical (...)
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  2. Explanation and Teleology in Aristotle's Science of Nature.Mariska Leunissen - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In Aristotle's teleological view of the world, natural things come to be and are present for the sake of some function or end. Whereas much of recent scholarship has focused on uncovering the physical underpinnings of Aristotle's teleology and its contrasts with his notions of chance and necessity, this book examines Aristotle's use of the theory of natural teleology in producing explanations of natural phenomena. Close analyses of Aristotle's natural treatises and his Posterior Analytics show what methods are used for (...)
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    Emotional signals from faces, bodies and scenes influence observers' face expressions, fixations and pupil-size.Mariska E. Kret, Karin Roelofs, Jeroen J. Stekelenburg & Beatrice de Gelder - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    From Natural Character to Moral Virtue in Aristotle.Mariska Leunissen - 2017 - New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    This book discusses Aristotle's biological views about 'natural character traits' and their importance for moral development. It provides a new, comprehensive account of the physiological underpinnings of moral development and shows that the biological account of natural character provides the conceptual and ideological foundation for Aristotle's ethical views about habituation.
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    Emotional expressions beyond facial muscle actions. A call for studying autonomic signals and their impact on social perception.Mariska E. Kret - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Commentary on Henry.Mariska Leunissen - 2014 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 29 (1):170-181.
    In this paper, I offer three suggestions regarding the role of Aristotle’s concept of analogy in biology as alternatives to the views defended by Devin Henry. First, I argue that the concept of analogy in Aristotle’s biological treatises points to a similarity in capacity between parts. Second, that it is mostly of methodological importance for the practice of explanation rather than for the practice of classification. And finally, that it is used with regard to parts that are visibly different and (...)
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    Perception of Face and Body Expressions Using Electromyography, Pupillometry and Gaze Measures.Mariska E. Kret, Jeroen J. Stekelenburg, Karin Roelofs & Beatrice de Gelder - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    The effects of constructive television news reporting on prosocial intentions and behavior in children: The role of negative emotions and self-efficacy.Mariska Kleemans, Tobias Sachs & Iris van Venrooij - 2022 - Communications 47 (1):5-31.
    To reduce negative emotional responses and to stimulate prosociality, constructive journalism promotes the inclusion of positive emotions and solutions in news. This study experimentally tested whether including those elements indeed increased prosocial intentions and behavior among children, and whether negative emotions and self-efficacy are mediators in this regard. To this end, children were exposed to an emotion-based, solution-based, or non-constructive news video. Results showed that emotion-based and solution-based news reduced children’s negative emotions compared to non-constructive news. No direct effects for (...)
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  9. Nature as a good Housekeeper. Secondary Teleology and Material Necessity in Aristotle’s Biology.Mariska Leunissen - 2010 - Apeiron 43 (4):117-142.
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    Vrijheidspraktijken.Mariska Jansen - 2018 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 58 (3):42-43.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Comments on Malink's Aristotle's Modal Syllogistic.Mariska Leunissen - 2015 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 90 (3):733-741.
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    Interpreting Emotions From Women With Covered Faces: A Comparison Between a Middle Eastern and Western-European Sample.Mariska E. Kret, Angela T. Maitner & Agneta H. Fischer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    While new regulations obligate or recommend people to wear medical masks at public places to prevent further spread of the Covid-19 virus, there are still open questions as to what face coverage does to social emotional communication. Previous research on the effects of wearing veils or face-covering niqabs showed that covering of the mouth led to the attribution of negative emotions and to the perception of less intense positive emotions. The current study compares a sample from the Netherlands with a (...)
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  13.  28
    Islamic Headdress Influences How Emotion is Recognized from the Eyes.Mariska Esther Kret & Beatrice de Gelder - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
  14. The Structure of Teleological Explanations in Aristotle: Theory and Practice.Mariska Leunissen - 2007 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 33:145-178.
  15. Aristotle on Natural Character and Its Implications for Moral Development.Mariska Leunissen - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (4):507-530.
  16. ‘What’s Teleology Got To Do With It?’ A Reinterpretation of Aristotle’s Generation of Animals V.Mariska Leunissen & Allan Gotthelf - 2010 - Phronesis 55 (4):325-356.
    Despite the renewed interest in Aristotle’s Generation of Animals in recent years, the subject matter of GA V, its preferred mode(s) of explanation, and its place in the treatise as a whole remain misunderstood. Scholars focus on GA I-IV, which explain animal generation in terms of efficient-final causation, but dismiss GA V as a mere appendix, thinking it to concern (a) individual, accidental differences among animals, which are (b) purely materially necessitated, and (c) are only tangentially related to the topics (...)
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  17. Aristotle's Syllogistic Model of Knowledge and the Biological Sciences: Demonstrating Natural Processes.Mariska Leunissen - 2010 - Apeiron 43 (2-3):31-60.
  18. A great deal of controversy? : a case study of Dondeyne, Gregoire, and Moeller integrating phenomenology and existentialism in Louvain Neo-Thomism.Dries Bosschaert - 2018 - In Rajesh Heynickx & Stéphane Symons, So What's New About Scholasticism?: How Neo-Thomism Helped Shape the Twentieth Century. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Age differences in recall and liking of arousing television commercials.Mariska Kleemans, Eva A. van Reijmersdal & Margot J. van der Goot - 2015 - Communications 40 (3):295-317.
    This article examines whether there are differences between older and younger adults in recall and liking of arousing television commercials. As hypothesized, the experiment demonstrated that older adults remembered brands and products in calm commercials better than in arousing commercials, and they also liked calm commercials more. In contrast, younger adults remembered brands and products in arousing commercials better and they liked these commercials more. In addition, linear relationships showed that for older adults arousal deteriorates their recall and liking, whereas (...)
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    Aristotle’s Empiricism: Experience and Mechanics in the 4th Century BC by Jean De Groot.Mariska Leunissen - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (3):498-499.
    While Aristotle is mostly famous as the father of natural teleology, De Groot sets out to offer us a picture of the “other,” hitherto neglected Aristotle, whose natural science is thoroughly influenced by mechanistic procedures and ideas. Her monograph is impressive: it provides a wealth of detailed and philosophically rich discussions of sometimes overlooked Aristotelian texts, diagrams, and tables that help visualize the often technical materials she discusses, and bold and original claims that will perhaps not convince everyone, but that (...)
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    Teleologie.Mariska Leunissen - 2011 - In Christof Rapp & Klaus Corcilius, Aristoteles-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. Stuttgart: Metzler. pp. 410-416.
    Es ist ein zentraler Grundsatz der aristotelischen Naturphilosophie, dass die Natur stets um eines bestimmten Zweckes willen tätig ist: Jedes Ding, das von Natur aus besteht, sich verändert oder entsteht, tut dies – solange es nicht daran gehindert wird – um eines bestimmten Zweckes bzw. um einer bestimmten Funktion willen. In diesem Zweck bzw. in dieser Funktion besteht die Zweck- oder auch Finalursache des Dinges, welches dann seinerseits die Vermögen, Struktur und Teile, die es besitzt, um willen der Zweckursache besitzt. (...)
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  22. The ethnography of Problemata 14 in (its mostly Aristotelian) context 190.Mariska Leunissen - 2015 - In Robert Mayhew, The Aristotelian Problemata Physica : Philosophical and Scientific Investigations. Boston: Brill.
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  23. Biology and Teleology in Aristotle’s Account of the City.Mariska Leunissen - forthcoming - In Julius Rocca, Teleology in the Ancient World: The Dispensation of Nature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  24. (1 other version)Crafting Natures: Aristotle on Animal Design.Mariska Leunissen - forthcoming - In Georges Dicker, The Annual Proceedings of the Center for Philosophic Exchange, SUNY Brockport.
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    Aristotle's Physics: a critical guide.Mariska Leunissen (ed.) - 2015 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Aristotle's study of the natural world plays a tremendously important part in his philosophical thought. He was very interested in the phenomena of motion, causation, place and time, and teleology, and his theoretical materials in this area are collected in his Physics, a treatise of eight books which has been very influential on later thinkers. This volume of new essays provides cutting-edge research on Aristotle's Physics, taking into account recent changes in the field of Aristotle in terms of its understanding (...)
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    ‘Becoming Good Starts with Nature.Mariska Leunissen - 2013 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 44:99.
  27. Why Stars have no Feet. Teleological Explanations in Aristotle’s Cosmology.Mariska Leunissen - 2009 - In Alan C. Bowen & Christian Wildberg, New Perspectives on Aristotle’s De Caelo. Brill.
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    Aristotle’s Animalization of Mothers and Motherly Love.Mariska Leunissen - 2023 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (1):87-97.
    This paper argues that Aristotle’s representation of mothers and motherly love in two separate arguments about friendship in his ethical treatises are not to be read as positive valuations of mothering and its associated traits but rather as perpetuating the common Greek animalization of women. For the deep love and the complex care and practical intelligence human mothers exhibit for their children are according to Aristotle rooted in the biological capacities that they share with non-human animals. Importantly, these capacities are (...)
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  29. Surrogate Principles and the Natural Order of Exposition in Aristotle’s De Caelo II.Mariska Leunissen - 2017 - In R. Polansky & W. Wians, Reading Aristotle: argument and exposition. Boston: Brill.
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    A filozófia nevében.Zoltán Mariska - 2001 - Miskolc: Miskolci Egyetem.
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    Why stars have no feet: Explanation and teleology in Aristotle's cosmology.Mariska Empj Leunissen - 2009 - In Alan C. Bowen & Christian Wildberg, New Perspectives on Aristotle’s De Caelo. Brill. pp. 215.
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    Aristotle’s Methods for Establishing the Facts Concerning the Female Menses in GA I 19–22.Mariska Leunissen - 2022 - In Sabine Föllinger, Aristotle’s ›Generation of Animals‹: A Comprehensive Approach. De Gruyter. pp. 123-146.
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    (1 other version)Naturgesetz in der Vorstellung der Antike, besonders der Stoa: Eine Begriffsuntersuchung. [REVIEW]Mariska Leunissen - 2011 - Isis 102:552-553.
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    Reading Aristotle: Physics VII.3. “What is Alteration?” Proceedings of the International ESAP-HYELE Conference Reading Aristotle: Physics VII.3. “What is Alteration?” Proceedings of the International ESAP-HYELE Conference ed. by Stephano Maso, Carlo Natali, and Gerhard Seel (review). [REVIEW]Mariska Leunissen - 2013 - American Journal of Philology 134 (1):155-159.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Reading Aristotle: Physics VII.3. “What is Alteration?” Proceedings of the International ESAP-HYELE Conference Reading Aristotle: Physics VII.3. “What is Alteration?” Proceedings of the International ESAP-HYELE Conference ed. by Stephano Maso, Carlo Natali, and Gerhard SeelMariska LeunissenStephano Maso, Carlo Natali, and Gerhard Seel, eds. Reading Aristotle: Physics VII.3. “What is Alteration?” Proceedings of the International ESAP-HYELE Conference. Las Vegas, Nev.: Parmenides Publishing, 2012. xvii + 152 pp. Paper, $65.As (...)
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    Fearful apes, happy apes: Is fearfulness associated with uniquely human cooperation?Christopher Riddell, Mariska Kret, Tonko Zijlstra & Milica Nikolic - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e76.
    In the fearful ape hypothesis, Grossmann argues that heightened fearfulness increases human-unique cooperation. We suggest that this conclusion, however, may be premature. In particular, we question Grossmann's singling out of fear as the affective trait that enhances cooperative care. Additionally, we problematize the extent to which heightened fearfulness in humans, and its association with human-unique cooperation, are supported empirically.
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    Between Morals and Markets? An Interdisciplinary Conceptual Framework for Studying Working Conditions at Catholic Social Service Providers in Belgium and Germany.Nadja Doerflinger, Dries Bosschaert, Adeline Otto, Tim Opgenhaffen & Lander Vermeerbergen - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 172 (1):15-29.
    Despite sharing Catholic Social Teaching as their system of morals and both being confronted with marketisation pressures, working conditions at German and Belgian Catholic social service providers of elderly care differ. We argue that an interdisciplinary approach is needed to understand such differences, as interpretation of CST is mediated by local contexts. Working conditions result from interactions shaped by each country’s respective religious, legal and socio-economic contexts, providing players with different levels of discretion and power resources. In Belgium, working conditions (...)
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    Priming using human and chimpanzee expressions of emotion biases attention toward positive emotions.Anna Matsulevits & Mariska E. Kret - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Perceiving and correctly interpreting emotional expressions is one of the most important abilities for social animals’ communication. It determines the majority of social interactions, group dynamics, and cooperation – being highly relevant for an individual’s survival. Core mechanisms of this ability have been hypothesised to be shared across closely related species with phylogenetic similarities. This study explored homologies in human processing of species-specific facial expressions using eye-tracking. Introducing a prime-target paradigm, we tested the influences on human attention elicited by priming (...)
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  38. Mijn vreemde schouders.Mariska van Dam - 2022 - In Lotte Spreeuwenberg & Mariska van Dam, Onderhuidse verhalen: essays over verleden en vervreemding. Leusden: ISVW Uitgevers.
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    The Politics - Swanson, Corbin Aristotle's Politics. A Reader's Guide. Pp. x + 168. London and New York: Continuum, 2009. Paper, £14.99 . ISBN: 978-0-8264-8499-4. [REVIEW]Mariska Leunissen - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (2):375-376.
  40. Onderhuidse verhalen: essays over verleden en vervreemding.Lotte Spreeuwenberg & Mariska van Dam (eds.) - 2022 - Leusden: ISVW Uitgevers.
    Elf essays over de eigen geschiedenis en hoe mensen zich beter tot elkaar kunnen verhouden."--Publisher information.
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    Recognition of facial expressions is moderated by Islamic cues.Mariska E. Kret & Agneta H. Fischer - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (3):623-631.
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    The role of pupil size in communication. Is there room for learning?Mariska E. Kret - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (5):1139-1145.
    ABSTRACTThe eyes are extremely important for communication. The muscles around the eyes express emotional states and the size of the pupil signals whether a person is aroused and alert or bored and fatigued. Pupil size is an overlooked social signal, yet is readily picked up by observers. Observers mirror their own pupil sizes in response, which can influence social impressions. In a landmark study by Hess [1975. The role of pupil size in communication. Scientific American, 233, 110–119] it was shown (...)
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    Pupil mimicry in infants and parents.Evin Aktar, Maartje E. J. Raijmakers & Mariska E. Kret - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (6):1160-1170.
    Changes in pupil size can reflect social interest or affect, and tend to get mimicked by observers during eye contact. Pupil mimicry has recently been observed in young infants, whereas it is unkno...
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    Anger fosters action. Fast responses in a motor task involving approach movements toward angry faces and bodies.Josje M. De Valk, Jasper G. Wijnen & Mariska E. Kret - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Interpreting Aristotle's Posterior analytics in late antiquity and beyond.Frans A. J. de Haas, Mariska Leunissen & Marije Martijn (eds.) - 2010 - Boston: Brill.
    This volume collects Late Ancient, Byzantine and Medieval appropriations of Aristotle's Posterior Analytics, addressing the logic of inquiry, concept formation, the question whether metaphysics is a science, and the theory of demonstration.
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    Oncologic multidisciplinary team meetings: evaluation of quality criteria.Nelleke Ottevanger, Mirrian Hilbink, Mariska Weenk, Romy Janssen, Talitha Vrijmoeth, Antoinette Vries & Rosella Hermens - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (6):1035-1043.
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    Pupils say more than a thousand words: Pupil size reflects how observed actions are interpreted.François Quesque, Friederike Behrens & Mariska E. Kret - 2019 - Cognition 190 (C):93-98.
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    Pupil size and iris brightness interact to affect prosocial behaviour and affective responses.Juan Olvido Perea-García, Daisy Berris, Jingzhi Tan & Mariska E. Kret - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Despite the tight link between the visibility of the iris and pupil, the perceived effects of these two have been studied largely in isolation. We demonstrate, across two experimental studies, that the effects of perceived pupil size are dependent on the visibility of the iris. In a first study, our participants donated more and had more positive impressions of portraits of non-human primates when these were manipulated to appear having larger pupils. Post-hoc inspection of our data suggested that the difference (...)
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    Automatic Change Detection of Emotional and Neutral Body Expressions: Evidence From Visual Mismatch Negativity.Xiaobin Ding, Jianyi Liu, Tiejun Kang, Rui Wang & Mariska E. Kret - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Explaining Children’s News Avoidance During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Ming Ebbinkhuijsen, Moniek Buijzen, Rebecca de Leeuw & Mariska Kleemans - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Despite growing concerns that children tend to avoid the news, the reasons why have received little research attention. Therefore, the current study aims to develop and test a model conceptualizing the relations between children’s news consumption, news avoidance, emotional responses, and parent and child mitigation strategies. The model was tested using data collected during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The current, preregistered, survey study was part of a longitudinal project and used data from the second wave. Data were (...)
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